Speclon Filters
PTFE Membrane Material

High sensitivity alpha-in-air spectroscopy is dependent on spectrum resolution. Because of the excellent surface deposition qualities of the PTFE membrane filter, the full-width half-max (FWHM) alpha peak resolution is significantly improved over glass fiber, cellulose or acetate filter media. As a result of using the PTFE membrane filters in an alpha CAM, the minimum detectable concentration can be improved by as much as 30% and allow either faster alarm response times or reduced false alarms.
Reverse side clearly marked — “PUMP SIDE”
Greatly reduces background — from radon progeny for alpha spectroscopy
Available in stock diameters — 30mm, 33mm, 37mm, and 47mm
Low pressure drop for flow rates up to 4 CFM
Durable polyester backing will not tear or break
Conveniently packaged in boxes of 100 filters
Quick turnaround for custom diameters and pore sizes
General Features
Bladewerx Speclon PTFE-membrane filter media is recognized for its superior surface deposition characteristic, resulting in sharper energy resolution for alpha spectroscopy applications. Whether the application is continuous air monitoring, or personal/fixed air samplers with retrospective analysis, Speclon filters can provide a cost-effective alternative to glass fiber, cellulose, or acetate filters. In alpha air monitoring for plutonium or transuranics, improved energy resolution means reduced background from interfering radon decay peaks. In many facilities, alpha air quality is determined retrospectively by gross counting after radon daughters have been decayed. By switching to Speclon filters, samples can be counted immediately using alpha spectroscopy, without waiting for radon products to decay, thereby improving worker safety.

Stock Options and Part Numbers
Standard Fixed Filter disks are available in boxes of 100 each
BSP-FILT-50B037 37 mm diameter, 5.0 µm pore
BSP-FILT-50B047 47 mm diameter, 5.0 µm pore
BSP-FILT-15B030 30 mm diameter, 1.5 µm pore
BSP-FILT-15B033 33 mm diameter, 1.5 µm pore
BSP-FILT-15B037 37 mm diameter, 1.5 µm pore
BSP-FILT-15B047 47 mm diameter, 1.5 µm pore
Standard Moving Filter Rolls are available in 15 meter lengths
BSP-FILT-5R 35 mm X 15 meters, 5.0 µm pore
Custom Bladewerx Speclon filters can be made to meet any sampling rate, collection diameter, or roll length requirement.
Moving Filter Rolls
can be custom sized
to fit your apparatus