Our radiation detection instruments are among the smallest in the industry. Using advanced software and firmware developed in-house, they feature accurate real-time measurement of alpha and beta contamination and airborne particulates. Offering superior radon-background subtraction, all our CAMs and sample counters employ our state-of-the-art alpha peak shape fitting algorithm for superior sensitivity with the presence of radon daughters. Our hand and foot monitors feature a radon-rejection threshold to exclude high-energy alpha events.
Bladewerx offers a series of stationary, portable and wearable instruments based on the SabreMCA™ 256-channel Multi-Channel Analyzer. Our newest instruments, the EpeeCAM™ and SabreISC™ are based on the innovative EpeeMCA board and the versatile SabreMCA board, respectively.
Bladewerx gas- and air-proportional contamination monitors are based on the SDB Simple Detector Board and UDB USB-based Detector Board modular electronics.
See our instrument offerings below.